
We are experts in design, industry, Innovation and Technology transfer, we are an global innovations specialist can create continually new opportunities. We have experience in building and developing technologies and solutions that improve the life of humanity through the smart innovation. We believe in knowledge that transforms community level of life to the best and compatible with the future-plans. We at KMWSH working to expansion our knowledge, and experience via the investments channels, which can share it with the others, which develop their business, communities, work and life levels within a mutual benefit plan according to the global standards. We do not believe in individual benefit and we believe in the benefit of all because we came from countries that lived wars and their consequences and lived the chaos of society before and after the wars for long time. Therefore, wherever we are, and we will be, we work 24/7 to create a prosperous life. the business innovation is a process of making something new or improved that better serves a business.

We are a global innovation center led Jointly by Inventors & investment professionals with know-how and experience as well as the shared passion and commitment to create value for our clients and partners with the expertise and offerings we bring to the table. Most importantly, we stay focused on what we do but are not conservative in our thinking and are always open to new ideas and challenges

Şirket Profili

The world has changed, it is no longer divided by ideological beliefs, technological advances has taken over and KMWSH is among the innovative companies leading this change globally. Mass majority of the world population is either manufacturing or consuming these technological advances. They lack innovative creativity, connectivity, and resources to connect the dots. “innovation is the main source of technological progress which drives economic growth.

KMWSH, holds a unique multi-lingual and cultural teams of professionals allows us to better serve our clients without any barriers. Our success has been built upon a service network in line with the new age. Our global strategic partners are skilled entrepreneurs and innovators complement our team in creativity and drive and above all, passion, patience, and perseverance of our team. we are providing continuous business collaboration, global knowledge sharing, and strategic partnerships which allows us to achieve our goals of bridging the gap between Mideast, Asia, Africa, and the rest of the world towards value added creation.

İnsan Kaynakları

Available JOBS – For Projects

Implementation Manager

Associate Project Manager

Project Management Assistant

Project Communications Officer

Team Assistant



About the Engineers


- The engineers are usually seen as experts in the design, manufacture and innovation of existing and new Defence, Aerospace & Security Systems, Solutions & Components.

- The areas include: aerodynamics, stress engineering, materials and structures, fuel systems, avionics, running test, simulation, sustainable vehicles design, gear design, Aircraft Design, Satellite design, Spacecraft.



Skills and qualifications


- Innovation, teamwork, communication, analytical and problem-solving skills.

- Strong background in mathematics and physics and concepts design.

Financial Flow

We finance our work through an independent annual budget by founders and owners. also, from the income generated by the technology transfer programs and investment within the IP industry, from related investment, also from industrial and commercial businesses of KMWSH.

KMWSH Board Members

Who We Are

We are experts in design, industry, Innovation and Technology transfer, we are an global innovations specialist can create continually new opportunities. We have experience in building and developing technologies and solutions that improve the life of humanity through the smart innovation. We believe in knowledge that transforms community level of life to the best and compatible with the future-plans. We at KMWSH working to expansion our knowledge, and experience via the investments channels, which can share it with the others, which develop their business, communities, work and life levels within a mutual benefit plan according to the global standards. We do not believe in individual benefit and we believe in the benefit of all because we came from countries that lived wars and their consequences and lived the chaos of society before and after the wars for long time. Therefore, wherever we are, and we will be, we work 24/7 to create a prosperous life. the business innovation is a process of making something new or improved that better serves a business.

We are a global innovation center led Jointly by Inventors & investment professionals with know-how and experience as well as the shared passion and commitment to create value for our clients and partners with the expertise and offerings we bring to the table. Most importantly, we stay focused on what we do but are not conservative in our thinking and are always open to new ideas and challenges

Sherif SALAH

Chief Bio-Innovation specialist (KMWSH Partner)

- Dr. Sherif Salah Abdelaziz an scientist, is a consultant of immunology for humans. holds from Cairo University a Ph. Degree in immunology. Innovator of several Pharmaceuticals, published many articles and books in HIV, cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Coronavirus including Vaccines & drugs for Covid 19.

- A PhD doctor, immunologist who specializes in diagnosing and treating patients with inherited or acquired failures of the immune systems that lead to infections and autoimmune complications (immunodeficiency disorders) and autoimmune diseases and vasculitis where the body harms itself.

- Biomedicine is at the forefront of all therapy developments in the healthcare industry. Biomedicine helps medical professionals understand how the human body works on the molecular level. This discipline has become the basis of the most recent medical inventions and therapeutic strategies. ... Biomedical Innovation includes bioprinting, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, nanomedicine, gene editing, stem cell therapies and other forms of treatment based on life sciences. These sub-domains of Biomedical Innovation are championed as potential cures for many medical conditions.

- Dr. Sherif Salah Abdelaziz, a chief innovation officer is the executive who oversees biotech innovation at the consortium. ... Scientist and Expert in biomedical innovation and innovative procedure, technique or product based on human or animal biological elements, with a high level of protection of human health and promoting economic competitiveness. ... A Rheumatologist, specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal diseases and autoimmune conditions (rheumatic disease). Autoimmune disease happens when the body's natural defense system can't tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases that affect a wide range of body parts.

- Expert in Biological Chemistry studies how T cells and B cells, another type of white blood cell, respond to infections by making the decision to grow, divide, recruit other immune cells to the fight or commit suicide in certain instances, such as when the cells are no longer needed after a subdued infection or when the cells mistakenly react to the body’s own cells. By understanding the intricacies that occur in the cellular machinery of white blood cells during this decision-making process, hopes to further understand what goes wrong in autoimmunity and certain types of cancers. … KMWSH Biotech researchers are taking measures to understand, on the molecular level, what goes wrong when the body’s defense system battles that which it is supposed to protect.

- KMWSH Head of Biotech Innovation will lead us in building a cohesive innovation strategy across the medical organization to transform how medical leverages the evolution in patient care and supports new innovative models.

- The world and our industry is continually evolving and changing and as a strategic business critical function, the Medical organization needs to be patient centric, agile and future focused seizing opportunities on how we meet the needs of the patient and deliver our amazing portfolio.

- We are seeing more health innovation technologies, approaches and opportunities emerging that we should be leveraging to better understand and transform the patient journey.

- Reporting to the Medical, the Head of Health Innovation, is a new position that has the responsibility for operating across the medical organization, to build a cohesive innovation strategy to transform how medical leverage and operate to understand the evolution in patient care and support new innovative business models.

- Key relationships will be included, with: Mr. Muayad Alsamaraee CEO & Chief Innovation Strategist (KMWSH Global)

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CEO & Chief Innovation Strategist (KMWSH Partner)

Specifically, this involves an analysis of the opportunities, risks, strengths and weaknesses, as well as the derivation of important issues of the future and the purpose and vision of what we want to achieve with innovation. All this leads to the innovation strategy.

Job Description:

- Holds the Intrapersonal skills of self-discipline, and the ability how to creating the forward-thinking momentum the consortium needs to continually change and stay ahead of the curve.

- Directs, the organization physical and digital security. Provides executive leadership and oversees the identification, assessment and prioritization of risks, directing all efforts concerned with the security of the organization. ... an Expert who holds the National Security Engineering Innovation Skills.

- Directs, for assessing and mitigating significant competitive, regulatory and technological threats to an enterprise's capital and earnings.

- More than 25years of deep knowledge and experience in Aerospace and Defense industry. professional leader, invented several patented products and solutions globally. holds deep looking ability for the shortcomings in everywhere because they are the source of inspiration and empower innovation ability.

- Making sure the entire organization is on the same path when it comes to how they'll deliver the most value possible to the customer. Works closely with marketing, sales, product teams, and the C-suite to “value” means to customers.

- leads and directs the operations of the Offices of Research and oversees consortium labs. research, research and contracts, external compensated activity, development and processing, and the Research, Technology and Innovation tasks and projects.

- leads on all technological decisions to understand and implement technologies that help the Consortium achieve its business goals and objectives.

- leads on all technological decisions to understand and implement technologies that help the Consortium achieve its business goals and objectives.

- leads and supervise a team of qualified professionals to develop both short and long-term investment plans, recommend investments, and assign assets.

- Directs the Consortium toward its primary goals and objectives. Leads a team of executives to consider major decisions including acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, or large-scale expansion.

- leads and directs for all revenue generation processes in an Consortium. Accountable for driving better integration and alignment between all revenue-related functions, including marketing, sales, customer support, pricing and revenue management.

- leads the C-suite, to become more responsible for understanding of employees among Consortium leaders. Driving deliberate, disciplined design and delivery of experiences to customers and employees.

- Directs the business for fulfill, follow the business promises to customers and stakeholders on security, privacy, data, ethics.  Also support Consortium efforts for hiring and retaining today's ethically-conscious workforce.

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